
Web conference
Vloga hrane pri reševanju podnebne krize, okolja in revščine


Datum: Thu 17 Sep 2020 @ 9:00
Trajanje: 1 hour
Jezik: Slovenščina
Vrsta dogodka: Web conference
Abstract: Po pozdravnih besedah pregledamo vlogo hrane v Evropskem zelenem dogovoru in v Ciljih trajnostnega razvoja, ki jih je postavila Organizacija Združenih Narodov. Razsežnost problema in uspešnost ukrepov prav gotovo kažejo podatki o odpadni hrani v Sloveniji, ki kažejo na rast količin odpadne hrane v celotni prehranski verigi, še posebno pa v gospodinjstvih in pri strežbi hrane. Veča se tudi zavedanje o problemu prehranske revščine in revni ljudje postajajo pomemben člen krožnega gospodarstva, saj se del odpadne hrane z donacijami usmerja k revnim ljudem. Pomembno vprašanje pa je, kakšna je družbena vloga doniranja presežkov hrane k reševanju prehranske revščine?
Video: Klikni tukaj


Nataša Jager Radin picture

Nataša Jager Radin

National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Department of Materials Chemistry

Nataša Jager Radin is working as PR of the Institute, taking care on the important news, social media and related issues. She will manage the publicity of the EAT-circular results, and help to organize learning events. Financial and accounting support.


Marta Klanjšek Gunde picture

Marta Klanjšek Gunde

National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Department of Materials Chemistry

Dr. Marta Klanjšek Gunde is a researcher at the Institute of Chemistry, Department of Materials Chemistry. Currently she is devoted to new materials for the smart temperature control. She also leads the EAT-CIRCULAR project at the Institute.

Tanja Vidic picture

Tanja Vidic

Department of Environmental and Energy Statistics of the Republic of Slovenia

Tanja Vidic works at the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, at the Department of Environmental and Energy Statistics, as a consultant, content methodologist and researcher in the field of waste statistics. In the period 2015-2018, within the framework of two internationally supported pilot projects, she participated in the preparation of a methodology for monitoring the generation and management of food waste at the national level.

Vesna Leskošek picture

Vesna Leskošek

Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana

Dr. Vesna Leskošek is a full professor at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. Her research focuses on gender, the welfare state, social inequalities, poverty and youth.