
Round table
Kako učinkovita je lahko zelena prehranska veriga


Datum: Fri 18 Sep 2020 @ 14:30
Trajanje: 1 hour
Jezik: Slovenščina
Vrsta dogodka: Round table
Abstract: Danes jemo sadje in zelenjavo, ki do nas pripotuje iz več tisoč kilometrov oddaljenih krajev, skozi vse leto, obenem pa veliko hrane zavržemo. V Sloveniji v povprečju zavržemo 68 kg hrane na prebivalca na leto, v Evropi zavržemo tretjino pridelane hrane. Zmanjšanje izgub in količine odpadne hrane je ena izmed glavnih rešitev za zajezitev podnebnih sprememb. Zato je na področju prehrane potrebno poiskati nove možnosti. Kaj je zelena prehranska veriga? Katere njene člene lahko prilagodimo in kaj te spremembe pomenijo v državah, kjer hrano pridelujejo, in kaj pri končnem porabniku? Na ta vprašanja bomo poskušali odgovoriti z vidika agrarne ekonomije, spremljanja kakovosti hrane in vidika kreiranja politik varne hrane.
Video: Klikni tukaj


Renata Dacinger picture

Renata Dacinger

Journalist and the editor and host of the show Let's Bite Science on RTV Slovenia

Renata Dacinger is a journalist and the editor and host of the show Let's Bite Science on RTV Slovenia


Luka Juvančič picture

Luka Juvančič

Biotechnical Faculty - University of Ljubljana

Dr. Luka Juvančič is an associate professor of agricultural and resource economics and policy at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty. He is also the president of the Association of Agrarian Economists of Slovenia, which also deals with the circular economy and the bioeconomy.

Tadeja Kvas Majer picture

Tadeja Kvas Majer

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Tadeja Kvas Majer works at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. She started in the field of meat, milk and dairy products, and later in the field of the direct payment system. In 2013-2019, she was Director General of the Directorate of Agriculture. She is currently responsible for preparing a Strategy for Less Food Loss and Waste in the Food Supply Chain, where she formulates key system solutions and other more demanding materials within the Directorate of Food.

Matjaž Guček picture

Matjaž Guček

Deputy Director General and Chief Veterinary Officer - Administration of the Republic Slovenia

Dr. Matjaž Guček is the Deputy Director General and Chief Veterinary Officer at the Administration of the Republic Slovenia on Food Safety, Veterinary Section and Plant Protection, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.